A few questions :-)

Main Chat Sauna Discussion A few questions :-)

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    Yet another guy who is thinking about coming this week.

    Just a few questions to help put away my doubt….

    Firstly, im 100% a safe sex practice…..person…..this includes wearing condoms when im recieving oral and i only give with one on also. Are people going to avoid me or give me grief or refuse to do anything with me? So many guys ive talked to online have a problem with it (cant stay hard with a condom on etc etc)…

    Secondly…..will people frown on me for being in a relationship with a girl whom i intend to marry? Is it strickly a gay only place or are bi guys welcome?

    Ill add more as i think of them….

    Oh yes……if i walk past a room and someone is getting it on….what do i do? Avoid the room, watch and wait for their reactions?

    Sorry im a shyish person when it comes to talking to people….

    new to this

    Hey Rush82 I don’t there is anything wrong in the fact you want to be 100% safe and using condoms


    Yeah I agree, never be too safe, I’ve never been myself and I’m also bi 🙂


    ‘Rush 82’ I’m in the same boat as u mate. Give me an email on tomspence_1993 at hotmail.co.uk

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